
Maintaining Entity Group Transaction Profiles

Transaction DBIETP

This transaction is used to maintain entity group transaction profiles. The Entity Group Transactions Profile supplements the global Application Transactions Profile with settings that apply to the relevant Entity Group. Entity group transaction profiles contain the information the application needs to process/maintain this transaction.

Note: For every transaction being used, both the Application Transactions Profile and the Entity Group Transactions Profile must be defined correctly. Failing to do so may lead to system malfunctions. Additional details about Transaction Profiles and Configuration (ATP) is provided under general information in the preceding link.

"Transaction" field

The “Transaction” field is used to select the transaction whose profile is to be displayed.

All the settings entered here apply to the Entity Group in which they were defined.

The right-hand side of the screen displays the abbreviation for the Entity in which the user is currently located. The transaction Info Entity (INFETY) can be used to check to which Entity Group the Entity belongs. To edit settings for a different Entity Group, the user must first switch to an Entity belonging to that Entity Group.

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons in the list below for:

Options for the Release Control of Business Transactions

Transaction parameters control how business transaction are to be released.

"Release Method" field

  • Source in Transaction - The “Set_Wfs_Release” release rule programmed within the transaction is used. This rule is triggered from the 'MTABUT\SAV order 500' rule for the relevant business transaction. Both may have to be entered by a member of the support team in the source.
  • Single Signature required - The required signature (field TRN/RELREQ) from the release transaction “Control and Release of Transactions” (TRNREL) is set to 'A'. Detailed information on release and signatures can be found under “Configuration”.
  • No Release required - No release method is required for this transaction
  • Multi Signature required - More than a single authorizer could be defined with different amount limit slab for every business transaction. Detailed information can be found under Maintaining Multi Signature Setting
  • Other customized release methods can be defined

"Relevant Amount" field

The combobox “Relevant Amount” is only active if ' Single / Multiple Signature required' has been selected. For example, 'Maximum Amount' (MAXAMT) can be selected here, but not the specific amount that is to be used for the release. If an open amount in a transaction is a negative number, the relevant amount for release is 0.

"Transaction Class" field

Each business transaction should be connected to one transaction class if Service Level Agreements (SLA) are used. The allowed duration time for a SLA relevant customer order can be defined in the SLA static data transaction per group of transactions for “Opening”, “Amendment”, “Document/ Claim Presentation” or “Other”.

Settings for Settlement

The following settlement details can be controlled via the transaction profile:

  • Open reduction amount - controlled via the combobox and depends on whether the field 'Reduction amount' located in the Details Settlement panel of the business transaction is open for user entries.
    The combobox offers a choice of three values:
    • Active - the field is open for entries in the business transaction.
    • Not active - the field is not open for entries in the business transaction.
    • Source in transaction - the rule programmed into the transaction – “SetRedFlg” – is applied. This rule is usually called from the RegisterSettlement rule of the relevant business transaction. If necessary, both must therefore be entered into the source by a supporter.
  • Loading Temporary Settlement allowed - if the checkbox is checked, the transaction will be permitted to load temporary settlements.

Compliance Check

This is the interface for connecting an external, bank-specific Compliance Check System.
This combobox provides three options:

  • None - No compliance check will be performed in the selected transaction.
  • per Message - In the selected transaction a compliance check will be performed for each individual document.
  • per Transaction - In the selected transaction a compliance check will be performed.

Further information about the corresponding services (CCS, PDC, and PDS) can be found in the “service table”.

Transaction Panels

Additional Transaction Profile


Datafield Description
Transaction ID cf Appendix A, Table ETP field COD
Name of Settings of Signature cf Appendix A, Table SIH field NAM
Method of Release cf Appendix A, Table ETP field RELTYP
Key of Settings of Signature cf Appendix A, Table SIH field EXTKEY
Relevant Amount for Release cf Appendix A, Table ETP field RELAMT
Transaction Class cf Appendix A, Table ETP field TRNCLS
Type of amount reduction cf Appendix A, Table ETP field REDAMTTYP
Temporary Settlement Allowed cf Appendix A, Table ETP field SEPFLG
Type of settlement cf Appendix A, Table ETP field SETTYP
Settlement type capable of being entered cf Appendix A, Table ETP field SETACT
Compliance Check Type cf Appendix A, Table ETP field CCSTYP
Compliance Priority cf Appendix A, Table ETP field PRI



Datafield Description
List of parties to be excluded from compliance check cf Appendix A, Table ETP field EXCCONROL
List of parties to be excluded from compliance check cf Appendix A, Table ETP field EXCSETROL

en/app/020cor/080cfg/060atp/0110dbietp.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 16:22 (external edit)