This transaction informs about the system status and the system environment.
At the beginning the transaction checks, if the INI file SYSINF.INI is available in the 'ini' partition. If the file does not exist, it will be created via the currently defined default values. Hence, the INI values will be read out of SYSINF.INI.
If the INI file was created by this transaction, it has a comment line showing date, time and user the file was created.
Thereby the user and the process generating these files are traceable.
The system information can be stored in a file with the extension '.lst' by clicking the [ Save] button. This opens a new panel, where the complete path of this file can be defined in the fields “Directory” and “File Name”. By default, the directory 'C:\temp' is selected. The stored file can be displayed with a text editor. The file name is made up as follows:
Example: sysinf.20040225.11013204.lst
The license is activated and controlled via a security key (SECKEY).
We distinguish between application license (application count) and number of simultaneously open sessions (user count).
The number of simultaneous possible (user)sessions is normally higher than the number of purchased application licenses. This is to cover sessions for background managers and “read only” user logins.
The license fee is paid for the number of purchased application licenses. When a user logs in to the application an application license is not used immediately. All new sessions are counted as open session at first and an application license is not yet required / blocked. As soon as a business transaction or Control and Release is started or any application data is changed, the session status is changed from “X” to “A” which means an application license is used in addition to the used open session counter. This status will remain until session end even if the user returns to a non application data changing transaction.
A session which is using an application license is also counted as open session.
Background processes do not use application licenses.
The SECKEY includes the number of possible simultaneous open session (user count) as well as the number of purchased application licenses. In addition the SECKEYs validity is included.
10 days before the end of the SECKEY validity is reached, a notifying message is displayed during the startup, so that a new SECKEY can be ordered in time.
The panel “System File Size” is used to determine the size of the application system on the computer. The relevant application folders are called “Partitions”.
After clicking the [Calc. Dirs] button (calculate directories), all directories/partitions will be displayed in the upper part of the panel. By checking the checkbox “Show Subdirectories” all subdirectories will also be displayed. The relevant disk space is shown in column “Size”. The combobox “Size in” is used to define the unit for the disk space.
If the checkbox “Estimate Partition Size with xy Files per Directory” (whereas a value can be entered for xy (default = 30)) will be checked for the calculation, not the exact value will be determined (depending on the application size, the calculation the exact value can be quite time-consuming).In lieu thereof, the number of files that are selected randomly per directory, are used for the calculation.
The number of Bytes of the directories are projected using these values.
The three field on the button right of the panel are default values for estimating the size of the database field content.
For example, it is assumed that each varchar column is filled up to x %.
When clicking the [Calc. Tbl.] button, all available database tables including the relevant sizes will be displayed under “Tables”.
The system information can be saved at a freely selectable location as .lst file by clicking the [ Save] button (see above for further details).
If the sizes are also to be displayed, the checkbox “Incl.
Size Info” has to be checked on subpanel “Save System Information”.