
Creating a Guarantee/Standby

Transaction GITOPN

This transaction is used to create/advise a new undertaking (guarantees and standby L/Cs).

If a draft/pre-advice is already available for an undertaking, all available data relating to the draft/pre-advice is made available once the user has selected the relevant contract. This can be edited as necessary.

Purpose of Message

The following types are supported by the application.

Undertaking Type

The undertaking type describes the relevant type of undertaking and is one of the selection criteria for picking the 'choice of text' (see also General Information on Advanced Text Definition).

Form of Undertaking

This field is used to define the legal form of the undertaking.

These values are supported (also for input from electronic message channels):

  • Demand Guarantee
  • Standby Letter of Credit
  • Dependent Undertaking (Surety)
  • Surety Payable on First demand

The “Form of Undertaking” field was used in the application before the guideline fields “Applicable Rules” (APPRUL and APPRULTXT') was introduced by SWIFT.
In larger installations with a multitude of guarantee texts, the field is used to divide the list of proposed guarantee texts. (The “Form of Undertaking” field is also available as “Legal Form” in the General Information on Advanced Text Definition transaction.) This is particularly helpful for banks that use a large number of standard texts.
With smaller installations the use of “Applicable Rules” is usually sufficient.

SWIFT interbank message (MT760), supports only the values ‘Demand Guarantee’ and ‘Standby Letter of Credit’ in sequence B of its message. Hence, if applicant requests for any other form of undertaking, as recommended by SWIFT, DOKA-NG generates a MT759 (ancillary message) instead of MT760.

Expiry Type and Liability Type

Expiry Type : In case of direct (ISSU) and Advice (ADVI, ACNF) scenarios, the validity of the undertaking is defined under the Expiry type field. In case of an indirect undertaking (ISCO, ICCO), the validity of the local undertaking (sequence C fields) is defined under the Expiry type fields.

Liability Type : This is only active in case of an indirect undertaking. In this scenario, the validity of the counter undertaking (sequence B fields) is defined under the liability type fields.

Below options are allowed for the expiry/liability type selection:

  • “Expiry condition”:
    User to mandatorily provide a specific condition to be fulfilled for expiry of the Undertaking, whilst a specific date for expiry is optional. The expiry condition can also be defined and maintained along with the undertaking text in the Maintaining Advanced Text Definition transaction
  • “Specified date of expiry”:
    User could provide a specific date for the expiry of the undertaking. On selecting this type, an expiry/liability date must be specified in the corresponding field.
  • “No specified date of expiry”:
    If the undertaking is an open contract without a specific expiry date, this option could be selected.

Undertaking text based on the Details Panel

The main information here is the undertaking text. This is automatically proposed based on data such as type of processing, undertaking type, form and language . Depending on the undertaking type and the definition of the relevant text, some additional fields may have to be completed. If required, the user is able to edit the undertaking text manually by checking the “Modify Text” checkbox. It is also possible to format the text, using three formatting buttons - bold, italics or underline. The undertaking text is displayed with the unresolved variables. In this case, a warning is generated, indicating that the undertaking text has been edited manually. The [vs. System] button shows the user's manual changes compared to the undertaking text proposed by the system. The [vs. History] button shows the changes made to the undertaking text in the past. Entries made by the user are shown in yellow, deletions in red. To view the text showing any resolved variables click the [Show Text] button. Contract datafields embedded in the text are updated instantly. Manual changes are only conclusively accepted in the system when the icon is clicked.

If the reference number of the contract is required in the undertaking text - for example when adding a new guarantee, or pre-advising a guarantee - this can be generated in advance using the [Get Ref.] button.

All open fields on the Details panel have been defined as elements of the undertaking text in the relevant definition of the text. Accordingly, they have become mandatory fields. It makes sense, therefore, to adapt the definition of undertaking texts appropriately. As much as possible, the aim is to avoid users having to edit guarantee texts manually, and to avoid verifiers having to check individual undertaking texts.

Declaration of Indemnity

If the checkbox “Create Declaration of Indemnity” on panel “Overview” is checked, the panel “Declaration of Indemnity” will also be displayed. On this panel the text of the Declaration of Indemnity to be sent can be entered.

Automatic Commission Settlement

If a guarantee is to be settled automatically, the option for fee settlements (accessed by clicking the icon) on the Liability Panel is set to 'Automatic'. If the selected guarantee is to be settled manually, change the setting to 'Manual'.


Furthermore, syndications can be handled on the homonymous panel. Detailed information about syndications can be found under “Participations Sold (Syndications)”.


Detailed information on the processing of assignments can be found under: “Assignments”.


Standby LCs/guarantees can be issued for a limited period if banks are concerned about issuing contracts for longer terms. The Auto-Extension functionality provides the ability to automatically extend the expiry date of the contract. The checkbox “Auto-Extension” can be set for a standby LC or guarantee, which makes the “Auto-Extension” panel visible and allows the user to enter the details of the auto-extension schedule. The Auto-Extension process can be initiated when issuing or amending the contract (such as Creating a Guarantee/Standby, Amending or Internal Amendment). Diary entries are generated or updated in these transactions in order to inform the account officer/relationship manager or applicant of the upcoming Auto-Extension and to process the Auto-Extension itself. The Auto-Extension Advice is sent to the account officer/relationship manager or applicant by processing of the diary in transaction Common Messages. The Auto-Extension is done by processing of the diary in transaction Internal Amendment. With activation of the SWIFT 2021 release, for Indirect Guarantees, Auto-Extension could be chosen for both Sequence B (counter undertaking) and Sequence C (local undertaking). In cases of these indirect guarantees, auto registered entries such as diaries will be generated based on the auto extension value from sequence B.

Until timely notice of Non-Extension is given by the account officer/relationship manager or applicant, the standby LC/guarantee will automatically be extended for an additional period as per defined “Extension Period” until the “Final Expiry Date” is reached or cancellation is agreed to by the beneficiary (please refer to Internal Amendment).

Reimbursement Authorization

This functionality is enabled for Standby L/C's only, where the user can include the Reimbursement bank who can reimburse a claim that is presented by the 'Available with bank' (AVB). Details related to the reimbursement such as Reimbursement bank, Account details etc. can be captured in the panel 'Reimbursement Authorization'. This panel is enabled when the 'Reimbursement Authorization' checkbox is set from the overview panel. Swift message MT740 is sent out in this case.


This transaction creates a new Guarantee contract.
If an existing Guarantee contract is used, it may not be open or closed.

Incoming Messages

Transaction Control


Fee Code Set as Default Units from until Comment
GIFAD Yes 1 empty empty If “Handling Type”='Advise with confirmation'
“Handling Type”='Advise without confirmation'
GIFIS Yes 1 today today


Results of this Transaction


For more information see TRNDIA Diaries.

If changes are made to the maturity date in the Increase/Decrease Schedule, diary events to correct the liability are created in the “Handling Increase/Decrease Schedule” transaction.

Action Description Diary Follow-up Transaction Comment
Replace Guarantee/ Standby LC Expired If “Validity until” filled, “Validity until” + 5 Working Days.
If “Our Liability until” filled, “Our Liability until” + 5 Working Days
Replace Guarantee/ Standby LC will expire If “Validity until” filled, “Validity until” - 10 Working Days.
If “Our Liability until” filled, “Our Liability until” - 10 Working Days
Common Messages
Replace Check Expiry (unlimited) 360 days after Issuance Closing Diary to check unlimited undertakings on a yearly basis.
Replace Advice Letter to the Customer On the “Advice Date”, if filled Common Messages The Advice Date can be set on the “Auto-Extension” Panel when checkbox “Auto-Extension” is checked.
Replace Advice of Auto-Extens. of Local Undert. On the “Advice Date”, if filled
Replace Auto-Extension of the Standby On the “Non-Extension Date”, if filled Internal Amendment The Non-Extension Date can be set on the “Auto-Extension” Panel when checkbox “Auto-Extension” is checked.
Completed Diaries that have been generated in transaction Pre-Creating a Guarantee/Standby will be deleted.

Updating/Storing of Amounts (CBS)

The amount of the guarantee and, where applicable, any additional amount are stored.

Liability (LIA)

A liability is booked regardless of the handling type and confirmation status. If there are several applicants the liability is to be spread across the applicants in accordance with their respective proportion in the guarantee on the “Liability” panel.

Outgoing Correspondence

Details on creation of messages can be found under DOCEOT Messages. For outgoing allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Outgoing messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Assignments messages and messages concerning Participations Sold (Syndications) will be created.

Name of Message Receiver Message ID SWIFT SWIFT Score TCO DTG Bolero Comment
Advice of Execution Applicant GITAPL1 762<760,761> T68 G02 423 If “Handling Type” / “Purpose of Message” = 'Indirect' / 'ISCO', 'ICCO' or 'Direct' / 'ISSU'
Declaration of Indemnity Applicant GITAPL2 If the checkbox “Create Declaration of Indemnity” has been checked and no Declaration of Indemnity had been created so far. The message can only be sent as letter or fax, as the document has to be signed and sent back by the customer.
Acknowledgment of Receipt Applicant GITAPL3 768 If “Handling Type” / “Purpose of Message”='Advise with confirmation' / 'ACNF' or 'Advise without confirmation' / 'ADVI' or 'Guarantee received'. If more than one applicant the message is sent to all applicants.
Undertaking Issuance Selected Party in “Send Undertaking to” GITBEN1 760,761 If “Handling Type” / “Purpose of Message” ='Direct' / 'ISSU'. In case a dependent undertaking is sent via SWIFT, the message is converted into a MT759.
Undertaking Original Selected Party in “Send Undertaking to” GITBEN2 Original Undertaking via letter is sent to the Beneficiary side when the undertaking is not sent via SWIFT or TELEX.
Advice of Issuance Selected Party in “Send Undertaking to” GITBEN4 760,761 745<760,761> If the applicant of a direct or indirect guarantee uses TradeConnect, and receives an Advice of Execution via TradeConnect in this transaction, he will also automatically receive the guarantee sent to the beneficiary as TradeConnect attachment.
Issue Instruction Selected Party in “Send Undertaking to” GITISS1 760,761 If “Handling Type” / “Purpose of Message” ='Indirect' / 'ISCO'. In case a dependent undertaking is sent via SWIFT, the message is converted into a MT759.
Authorization to Reimburse Reimbursement Bank GITRMB1 740 If “Form of Undertaking”='Standby letter of credit' and if “Reimbursement Authorization” checkbox is set.


Signature required

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table GID field OWNREF
Reserved Contract cf Appendix A, Table GID field RESFLG
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Guarantee Amount This is the balance valid for the time between the specified dates
under the guarantee.

This field contains the nominal amount of the undertaking.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Direct rejection cf Appendix A, Table GID field REJFLG
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Open Amount This field contains the open amount of the guarantee.

This is the open guarantee amount.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Additional Amount If this box is checked, additional amounts are available under the contract
and an additional panel is available to enter details.
Purpose of Message (as from incoming message) cf Appendix A, Table GID field PURPOSIN
Purpose of Message (for outgoing) cf Appendix A, Table GID field PURPOS
Handling Type cf Appendix A, Table GID field HNDTYP
Undertaking Type cf Appendix A, Table GID field GARTYP
Undertaking Type (from Local Undertaking Seq. C) cf Appendix A, Table GID field GARTYPIN
Specification of Type of Undertaking - Counter Undertaking cf Appendix A, Table GIT field GARTYPTXTIN
Legal Undertaking Form cf Appendix A, Table GID field LEGFRM
Demand Indicator cf Appendix A, Table GID field DEMAND
Guarantee Language cf Appendix A, Table GID field GIDUIL
Bilingual cf Appendix A, Table GID field SECUILFLG
INR of Guarantee Text cf Appendix A, Table GID field GTXINR
INR of Generating Text (ATX) cf Appendix A, Table GID field ATXINR
Applicable Rules cf Appendix A, Table GIT field APPRUL
Specification of Applicable Rules cf Appendix A, Table GIT field APPRULTXT
Expiry Type cf Appendix A, Table GID field EXPTYP
Expiry until cf Appendix A, Table GID field EXPDAT
Expiry Condition/Event cf Appendix A, Table GIT field EXPTXT
Expiry Condition/Event (with Variables), holds ATX cf Appendix A, Table GIT field ATXEXPTXT
Liability Type - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field LIATYPC
Liable until cf Appendix A, Table GID field LIADAT
Liability Condition/Event - Counter Undertaking cf Appendix A, Table GIT field LIATXTC
Liability Condition/Event - Counter Undertaking (with Variables), holds ATX cf Appendix A, Table GIT field ATXLIATXTC
Type of Request cf Appendix A, Table GID field DRPREFLG
Old Reference cf Appendix A, Table GID field OLDREF
Responsible User cf Appendix A, Table GID field OWNUSR
Assignment of Proceeds cf Appendix A, Table GID field AOPFLG
Declaration of Indemnity cf Appendix A, Table GID field REVFLG
Auto-Renewal Flag cf Appendix A, Table GID field AUTRNWFLG
Incoming Corporate Message Flag cf Appendix A, Table GID field INCCORMSGFLG
Reimbursement Information cf Appendix A, Table GID field RMBFLG
Order Date This field contains the order date.
This field specifies the date when the customer passed
instructions to the bank.
cf Appendix A, Table GID field ORDDAT
Opening Date cf Appendix A, Table GID field OPNDAT



Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Suppress Applicant in 760 Seqence B Flag This checkbox allows user to suppress the DOKA-NG Applicant role in the outgoing SWIFT message.
If the checkbox is set, Tag 51(seq.b) of the outgoing MT760 is not printed and Tag 50(seq.b)
will be filled with the party entered in field obligor.
It is introduced to handle the scenario when the Obligor in the incoming corporate message
is different from the Applicant.
And if the Obligor does not wish to be disclosed further in the messages chain.
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Country Code (Risk Country) cf Appendix A, Table GID field STACTY
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Domestic Guarantee cf Appendix A, Table GID field DOMFLG

Presentation/ Delivery


Datafield Description
Delivery of Original Undertaking cf Appendix A, Table GID field DELORI
Delivery of Original Undertaking Details cf Appendix A, Table GID field DELORITXT
Guarantee Send to cf Appendix A, Table GID field SNDTO
Delivery To/Collection By cf Appendix A, Table GID field DELTO
Delivery to / Collection By cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DELTOADR
Document and Presentation Instructions cf Appendix A, Table GIT field PREPER
Document and Presentation Instructions (with Variables), holds ATX cf Appendix A, Table GIT field ATXPREPER
Transfer Indicator cf Appendix A, Table GID field TRANSFER
Transfer Conditions cf Appendix A, Table GIT field TRFCOND
Fee settlement - our fee to be debited to cf Appendix A, Table GID field CHATO
Additional Details to Code for Charges cf Appendix A, Table GIT field FEETXT



Datafield Description
Reference of Original Contract cf Appendix A, Table GID field ORCREF
Date from Original Contract cf Appendix A, Table GID field ORCDAT
Closing date cf Appendix A, Table GID field TENCLSDAT
Object of Contract cf Appendix A, Table GIT field COVGODSRV
Underlying Transaction Details (with Variables), holds ATX cf Appendix A, Table GIT field ATXCOVGODSRV
Percentage/Rate of Original Contract cf Appendix A, Table GID field ORCRAT
Currency of Original Contract cf Appendix A, Table GID field ORCCUR
Amount of Original Contract cf Appendix A, Table GID field ORCAMT
Original Contract Place cf Appendix A, Table GIT field ORCPLC
Account for Advance Payment cf Appendix A, Table GID field ACC
Governing Law Country cf Appendix A, Table GID field JURLAWS20
Jurisdiction cf Appendix A, Table GID field JURLAW
Place of Jurisdiction cf Appendix A, Table GID field JURPLC
Tender Reference cf Appendix A, Table GID field TENREF
Tender Date cf Appendix A, Table GID field TENDAT
Transmit Original Guarantee Latest on cf Appendix A, Table GID field TRMDAT
Additional Info cf Appendix A, Table GIT field ADDINF

Undertaking Text


Datafield Description
Guarantee Text cf Appendix A, Table GIT field GIDTXT
Guarantee Text (with Variables) cf Appendix A, Table GIT field GTXGIDTXT

Declaration of Indemnity


Datafield Description
Revers Text cf Appendix A, Table GIT field REVTXT

Confirmation Details


Datafield Description
Confirmation Instructions cf Appendix A, Table GID field CNFDET
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Received Confirmation Instructions cf Appendix A, Table GID field RECCNFDET
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF



Datafield Description
Advice Period cf Appendix A, Table GID field ADVNBR
Automatic Extension Period cf Appendix A, Table GID field RNWPERS20
Details of automatic extension period cf Appendix A, Table GID field RNWPERTXT
Renewal-Period cf Appendix A, Table GID field RNWNBR
Notification Information cf Appendix A, Table GIT field NOTTXT
Notify Period cf Appendix A, Table GID field NOTNBR
Final Expiry Date cf Appendix A, Table GID field EXPDATFIN

Add. Amounts


Datafield Description
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Total Additional Amount (Seq.B) This field contains total additional amount related to the undertaking (such as Tolerance and/or any other charges related to the undertaking) which must be taken into account additionally to the guarantee amount.

This field is mandatory if the “Supplentary Information” field is filled. The amount will be defaulted if the “Positive Tolerance” is entered, if not the user must manually update the amount.
However, it is the user's responsibility to update the total additional cost that needs to be covered in addition to the undertaking amount.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Open Additional Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Supplementary Information about Amount cf Appendix A, Table GIT field ADDAMTCOVS20

Reimbursement Auth.


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Default Account cf Appendix A, Table PTS field DFTACT
Reimbursing Bank Account Identification cf Appendix A, Table GID field RMBACT
Reimbursing Bank's Charges cf Appendix A, Table GID field RMBCHA
Other Charges Reimbursement Authorization cf Appendix A, Table GIT field RMBCHA
Applicable Rules Reimbursement cf Appendix A, Table GID field APPRULRMB
Date of Authorization to Reimburse cf Appendix A, Table GID field AUTDAT
Place of Expiry cf Appendix A, Table GID field EXPPLC

Electronic MSG Details


Datafield Description
Kind of Guarantee cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DTALEGFRM
Type of Guarantee cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DTAGARTYP
Additional Text for Type of Guarantee cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DTAGARTYPTXT
Wording of Guarantee cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DTAWRD
Wording of Guarantee Text cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DTAWRDTXT
Special Terms cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DTASPCTRM
Indicator of Alternative Beneficial Owner cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DTABENOWN
Guarantee Value in Percent cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DTAAMTPRC
Approximate Expiry Date cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DTAAPPEXPDAT
Special Agreements cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DTASPCAGR
Reference type cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DTAREFTYP
Reference cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DTAREF
Reference date cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DTAREFDAT

DTAG Fields


Seq. C: Overview


Datafield Description
Requested Date of Issue - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field OPNDATC
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Undertaking Type - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field GARTYPC
Specification of Type of Undertaking - Counter Undertaking cf Appendix A, Table GIT field GARTYPTXTC
Form of Undertaking - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field LEGFRMC
Demand Indicator - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field DEMANDC
Standard wording required cf Appendix A, Table GID field STDWRDC
Standard wording requested language cf Appendix A, Table GID field STDWRDUILC
INR of Generating Text - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field GTXINRC
Applicable Rules - Counter Undertaking cf Appendix A, Table GIT field APPRULC
Specification of Applicable Rule - Counter Undertaking cf Appendix A, Table GIT field APPRULTXTC
Auto-Extension - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field AUTRNWFLGC

Seq. C: Parties


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Suppress Applicant in 760 Seqence C Flag This checkbox allows user to suppress the DOKA-NG Applicant role in the outgoing SWIFT message.
If the checkbox is set, Tag 51(seq.c) of the outgoing MT760 is not printed and Tag 50(seq.c)
will be filled with the party entered in field obligor.
It is introduced to handle the scenario when the Obligor in the incoming corporate message
is different from the Applicant.
And if the Obligor does not wish to be disclosed further in the messages chain.
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF

Seq. C: Presentation/ Delivery


Datafield Description
Delivery of Original - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field DELORIC
Delivery of Original - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field DELORITXTC
Delivery To/Collection By - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field DELTOC
Delivery to / Collection By cf Appendix A, Table GIT field DELTOADRC
Document and Presentation Instructions cf Appendix A, Table GIT field PREPERC
Document and Presentation Instructions (with Variables), holds ATX cf Appendix A, Table GIT field ATXPREPERC
Transfer Indicator - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field TRANSFERC
Transfer Conditions cf Appendix A, Table GIT field TRFCONDC
Additional Details to Code for Charges cf Appendix A, Table GIT field FEETXTC

Seq. C: Details


Datafield Description
Reference of Original Contract - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field ORCREFC
Date from Original Contract - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field ORCDATC
Tender Closing Date - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field TENCLSDATC
Underlying Transaction Details - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GIT field COVGODSRVC
Underlying Transaction Details Sequence C(with Variables), holds ATX cf Appendix A, Table GIT field ATXCOVGODSRVC
Percentage/Rate of Original Contract - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field ORCRATC
Currency of Original Contract - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field ORCCURC
Amount of Original Contract - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field ORCAMTC
Original Contract Place - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GIT field ORCPLCC
Account for Advance Payment - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field ACCC
Governing Law Country - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field JURLAWC
Details of Governing Law - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field JURLAWTXTC
Place of Jurisdiction - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field JURPLCC
Tender Reference - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field TENREFC
Tender Date - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field TENDATC
Transmit Original Guarantee Latest on - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field TRMDATC
Additional Information cf Appendix A, Table GIT field ADDINFC

Seq. C: Undertaking Text


Datafield Description
Guarantee Text local undertaking cf Appendix A, Table GIT field GIDTXTC
Guarantee Text (with Variables) - Counter Undertaking cf Appendix A, Table GIT field GTXGIDTXTC

Seq. C: Auto-Extension


Datafield Description
Automatic Extension Period - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field RNWPERC
Extension Period cf Appendix A, Table GID field RNWNBRC
Details of automatic extension period - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field RNWPERTXTC
Automatic Extension non-Extension Notification - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GIT field NOTTXTC
Automatic Extension Notification Period cf Appendix A, Table GID field NOTNBRC
Automatic Extension Final Expiry Date - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field EXPDATFINC

Seq. C: Add. Amounts


Datafield Description
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Total Additional Amount (Seq.C) This field contains total additional amount related to the undertaking (such as Tolerance and/or any other charges related to the undertaking) which must be taken into account additionally to the guarantee amount.

This field is mandatory if the “Supplentary Information” field is filled. The amount will be defaulted if the “Positive Tolerance” is entered, if not the user must manually update the amount.
However, it is the user's responsibility to update the total additional cost
that needs to be covered in addition to the undertaking amount.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT

en/app/030bsi/060gi/0220gitopn.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/29 12:59 (external edit)