
Info Application Transaction Profile

Transaction INFATP

After starting the transaction the Search Panel is displayed. The button can be clicked after entering a search term. All transactions that match this term will be displayed in the table below.
By selecting a transaction (by double-clicking an entry or by clicking the icon), the application transaction profile of the selected transaction will be displayed.

The application transaction profile can be printed out by clicking the icon.

Transaction Panels

Search Panel

Application Transaction Profile


Datafield Description
Transaction ID cf Appendix A, Table ATP field COD
Need Transferred Data to Execute cf Appendix A, Table ATP field DTAFLG
Job Operation Allowed cf Appendix A, Table ATP field JOBFLG
Associated Object Type cf Appendix A, Table ATP field LNKOBJ
Business Transaction Flag cf Appendix A, Table ATP field BUSTRNFLG
Business Sector cf Appendix A, Table ATP field BUS
Routing Allowed cf Appendix A, Table ATP field ROUFLG
Allocate New Contract cf Appendix A, Table ATP field CONCREFLG
Subcontract-creating Transaction cf Appendix A, Table ATP field SUBFLG

en/app/020cor/080cfg/060atp/0200infatp.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)