
Import of BICs

Transaction IMPBIC

SWIFT provides a list of all institutions that have a SWIFT BIC.

The application is able to process data from the formats

  • BankDirectoryPlus (Full and Delta)
  • BIC Directory 2018
  • BicPlusIBAN (No more supported by Swift since January 2014)

and will recognize by itself which of the above formats it is presented with.

Import File Requirements

In order to be able to process the BankDirectoryPlus correctly, the filename has to begin with either 'BANKDIRECTORYPLUS_V3_FULL' or 'BANKDIRECTORYPLUS_V3_DELTA'.

The data will be imported into the application and parties and addresses will be set up and updated.

The full file path of the file to be imported must be listed in the “Path” field. By clicking the icon , the accordant file will be imported into the PTY/ADR/PTA structure of the application. After this procedure, the data are available in the application system.

The log file of this transaction can be displayed by clicking the icon.

N.B.: The subdirectory BATIN must be created in the DATA directory of the application. The converted import file has to be in that subdirectory.

Import BankDirectoryPlus

  • During import, lines containing a BIC CODE and a BRANCH CODE will be processed.
  • If the corresponding checkbox is set, lines lacking a BIC, but with a National-ID, are processed, too.
  • Addresses whose Extkey does not correspond to the 'BIC<bic>' model (or, in case of the check being set, those not following the '<NAT><natid>' model) are not handled.
    Exception in case of addresses with a BIC:
    • In case of the modification flag = “D”elete the logfile will display an entry mentioning that the BIC has been deleted
    • If the checkbox “Log addresses …” is checked, all found main addresses will be listed in the log file.
    • If the checkbox “Update addresses …” is checked, then main addresses will be overwritten with the current status derived from the BicPlusIBAN file respectively deleted or stopped if applicable. The codes will not be modified, however.
    • Additional addresses will neither be logged nor changed.
  • Main addresses with a key following the 'BIC<bic>' and 'NAT<natid>' model, resp., will be updated.
  • If the BIC was deleted (modification flag = 'D'elete), then for main addresses with BIC it will be checked, if the party can be deleted (because not used in contracts or other static data). If so, the party will be deleted, otherwise designated with a stoplevel 0 and the wording 'BIC was deleted in Bic File and reported in an special “impbic.<timestamp>_undeleted.log”. Additional addresses will be recorded and must be handled manually.
  • Import of the FULL version: All addresses whose BIC no (longer) exists in the BankDirectoryPlus file are shown at the end of the log file. However, they will not be changed or assigned a stoplevel.
  • In case of BICs and NatIDs for which no address could be found, a new party with an address will be generated.

Further information concerning standard import methods can be found in the developer documentation.

Field Mapping for Import of BankDirectoryPlus into the application

Field Field description Size Table in the application Field in the application Conversion Comment
1 Modification Flag 1 A - Addition
M - Modification
D - Deletion
2 Record Key 12
3 Office Type 2
4 Parent Office Key 12
5 Head Office Key 12
6 Legal Type 1
7 Legal Parent Key 12
8 Group Type 6
9 Group Parent Key 12
10 Institution Status 4 ADR PTYTYP if field content = „BANK“ , “COOP” or “CMBA”: set „B“ , otherwise „O“
11 Cooperative Group Key 12
12 ISO Lei Code 20
13 BIC8 8 ADR BIC BIC Code and Branch Code are assembled into one field
14 Branch BIC 3 ADR BIC BIC Code and Branch Code are assembled into one field
15 BIC 11
17 National ID 15 ADR BLZ
(BLZ if Country Code = DE)
18 Connected BIC 11
19 Institution Name 105 ADR
20 Branch Information 70 ADR BID,
21 POB Number 35 ADR POB, POBZIP
22 Street Address 1 35 ADR STR1, STR2
23 Street Address 2 35
24 Street Address 3 35
25 Street Address 4 35
26 City 35 ADR LOCTXT,
27 CPS 90
29 Country Name 70
30 ISO Country Code 2 ADR LOCCTY
31 Timezone 1
32 Subtype Indicator 4
33 Network Connectivity 3 PTM AUTFLG Column 1 from field
34 Branch Qualifiers 35
35 Service Codes 60
36 SSI Group Key 12
37 IBAN Key 12
38 Field A 35
39 Field B 70

Field Mapping for Import of SWIFT BIC Directory 2018 Database into the application

Field Field description Size Table in the application Field in the application Conversion Comment
1 Tag Identifier 2 always 'FI'
2 Modification Flag 1
3 BIC Code 8 ADR BIC BIC Code and Branch Code are combined within one field
4 BIC Branch Code 3 ADR BIC BIC Code and Branch Code are combined within one field
5 Institution Name 105 ADR NAM1,2,3 Institution and Branch are concatenated and word wrap into 3 x 35
Warning on overflow
6 Branch Information 70 ADR BID Stored in name and BID
7 City Heading 35 ADR BID
8 Subtype Indication 4 PTY PTYTYP If Subtyp is MCFI SUPE NOSU NSWB PSPA SSPA SWIF CRES or PASO' then 'B' else 'O'
9 Value Added Service 60
10 Extra Information 35 PTM AUTFLG Column 19 of field
11 Physical Address 140 ADR STR1,2 “:” replaced by carriage return (CR) and word wrap into 2 x 35
Warning on overflow
11 Zipcode 15 ADR LOCZIP
12 Location 90 ADR LOCTXT,LOC2 Split with word wrap, warning on overflow
13 Country Name 70 ADR LOCCTY If BICCode exists ADR\LOCCTY is filled from Byte 5,2 of BIC.
Otherwise Codetable CTYTXT is searched for country name to determine code
14 POB Number 35 ADR POB
15 POB Zipcode 15 ADR POBZIP
16 POB Location 90 ADR POBTXT
17 POB Country Name 70
18 Source of Information 2
19 Special Code 6
20 Update Date 6
21 Origin of Key 4
22 BIC+ Key 8 ADR, PTY EXTKEY Prefixed with 'BIC' used as EXTKEY
23 Check Digit 2
24 Chips UID 6
25 National ID 15 ADR CLC
26 Activation Date 6
27 De-activation Date 6
28 Undo-Merge Chips UID 8
29 Undo-Merge National ID 8
30 New BIC+ Key 8
31 Commitment Flag 1
32 Committing Institution 1
33 User Field 128
34 Cross Border Info 1 17
35 Cross Border Info 2 17
36 Cross Border Info 3 17
37 Cross Border Info 4 17
38 Cross Border Info With Dates 1 29
39 Cross Border Info With Dates 2 29
40 Merge Flag 1
41 Merge Method 1
42 Merge Result 1
43 Filler 56

Transaction Panels

Import BICs


Datafield Description
Encoding of Import File Possible encodings are
“CP850” MS-DOS Central Europe
“​UTF-8”​ UTF-8

en/app/020cor/100sys/040imp/0140impbic.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/02 12:45 (external edit)