This transaction enables the user to execute the Login/Logout control in a Unix environment, although the user has no direct access to the Unix system.
This function is highly useful for system administrators of large organizations that have clients at various locations.
It is possible to reach all users at the same time via the Notifier function. The system administrator can, for example, log off all users to make a database update.
On the panel “System maintenance” it is determined, which text shall be displayed for the users, who try to login to the system during the time the system is locked. In the field “Displayed Login Text, if Login is locked” the text to be displayed is entered, when a user tries to login while the system is locked. Sample text: 'No login possible at the moment. Currently the database is being updated.' The entered text is stored by clicking the icon.
In the field “Excluded Clients” the IP addresses of the PCs that are allowed to login are specified, although the login is not allowed (locked). In most cases the IP address of the system administrator(s) is entered here. The own IP address and the current session number are displayed on the right side of this text field. The entered IP addresses are stored by clicking the .
In the field “Text of Warning Message” a message for a user is entered to inform him to log out of the system. By clicking the icon this message is sent via the “Notify” function to all logged in users. The “Notify” window will then be displayed on the screen of every user who is currently logged in.
To log off all currently logged in users at the same time, the user of this transaction has to click on the icon. The text that shall be displayed for the users in this case is entered in the field “Text of Cancel Mesage” (Example: 'An Oracle patch must be applied. Thus, the database has to be shut down.').
Users are locked from login via the icon and the lock is undone by clicking the icon .
By clicking the icon the log file will be displayed, in which all executed actions with message or error message are listed.
On the panel “Processes per Session” every single process of each user on the Unix computer is listed. The processes can be viewed individually by highlighting a process and clicking the button [View]. The subpanel “Details of Session” is displayed, which shows detailed information about this session. The list of process is updated by clicking the button [Read]. Unix processes can be terminated “immediately” by clicking the button [Kill -9]. However, this should only be done under exceptional circumstances.
The panel “Show Processes” displays a list of all processes running on the Unix computer.